The Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Azure in 2023
A simple code editor that works well for creating applications in any programming language is called Visual Studio Code (VS Code). You can modify its behavior by installing extensions, and it is quick, frequently updated, and entirely free. Many extensions are offered, including extensions for Azure.
Table of Contents
Extension List
Here’s a list of the best Visual Studio Code extensions for Azure:
- You need an Azure Subscrption (Sign Up now)
- The latest Version of Visual Studio Code (Download VS Code)
1. Azure Account

With the help of this extension, you can access your subscription from within Visual Studio Code and manage various aspects of it. Working with development subscriptions is advantageous and productive when using this extension. I don’t use it for any production-related work.
- Install Azure Account via VS Code Marketplace
2. Azure Tools

The features in this extension are numerous. This extension is useful if you want to access multiple Azure Services from within Visual Studio Code and you are working with multiple Azure Services. The extensions that are bundled up are:
- Azure Functions
- Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools
- Docker
- Azure CLI Tools
- Azure App Services
- Azure Databases
- Azure Storage
- Azure Pipelines
- Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure Resource Groups

- Install Azure Tools via VS Code Marketplace
3. ARM Template Viewer

By Ben Coleman, this extension is a third-party extension. It aids in the visualization of our ARM templates, and for some of my templates, it performs admirably. Because some templates are so complex, it can be difficult to visualize them.
To quickly visualize your templates, it is worthwhile to give it a try.

- Install ARM Template Viewer via VS Code Marketplace
4. Rainbow CSV

Rainbow CSV is an extension that can often help with analysis of reports. Many export options in the cloud portals are exported as .csv file. Also it is much easier to perform muli mutations in VS code than usual in Excel. That is why it is definitely a must-have extension.

Another secret tip is to activate Sticky Headers Lines. Learn more in the VS Code Marketplace (editor.stickyScroll.enabled)
- Install Rainbow CSV via VS Code Marketplace
5. JSON Viewer

A rather unknown and small extension but I find it very useful. You can expand and collapse the corresponding section of a JSON file in a tree view. Simple and easy but ingenious.
- Install JSON Viewer via VS Code Marketplace
6. Prettier – Code formatter

An opportunistic code formatter, prettier. It does this by parsing your code, reprinting it according to its own rules, wrapping code as necessary, and taking into account the maximum line length. Everyone has and should have a code formatter installed.
- Install Prettier via VS Code Marketplace
7. XML Tools

The last extension in the list is XML Tools, similar to Rainbow CSV and JSON Viewer, it is supposed to be helpful in analyzing configurations or evaluations.
The eye is always working with such large files, the overview can be lost very quickly.
- Install XML Tools via VS Code Marketplace
For Visual Studio Code, there are numerous Azure extensions. When you use VS Code, each of them enables you to become a more productive Azure developer. Check them out by going there!